Summer Target Finds ♥︎

    Look out, Leotuders!

    Comin’ in hot to Summer! Literally, it’s 90 degrees here. We are officially done with school and Mom has unfortunately lost all her free time. #ripfreetime #illmissyou

    I’m quite proud of myself this year. I managed to plan ahead — is this real life? — and lucky for you, that means I’ve done all the think-work for you and I’m basically handing you Summer on a silver platter.

    If there is anyone I can count on to get me through the mom trenches, it's Target. That red bullseye and I have quite the love affair, as of right now it's cool with the husband, but if we get any friskier in the spending department he may make me say goodbye. #jenandtargetforever But, let’s trust we will be on our best behavior so I can continue those long strolls down every aisle and most importantly, so I can continue to bring you all the best Target finds!

    Today, I’m bringing you all the Summer must-haves to keep your kiddos occupied. If you are anything like us, we basically live outside in the summer, so outdoor games, especially with water, are always a crowd pleaser. 

    My favorite thing about Target is most of this you can find in the Dollar Spot, but if you want a little more bang for your buck, you have those options too!

    I always start my shop in the Dollar Spot — this is where they get me. I snagged bubbles, slingshots, and hand rockets for $1 each and found some fun outdoor Tic Tac Toe and Popsicle Toss for $5 each. 

    Then, I cruised through the Summer section and snagged some new towels and these adorable water guns. They were still fairly inexpensive at $10, but one of the most played with items of the bunch.

    Lucky for the kiddos our Easter Bunny had a little too much carrot juice and found this Little Tikes inflatable online in the app. We had a long talk with the Easter Bunny and all decided it would be an investment that pays for itself. I’m pretty sure I — uh, I mean the Easter Bunny — got their money back in the first five minutes of freedom.

    So, if you need me, find me on my patio losing Tic Tac Toe to a certain 4 year old that thinks simply making 3 moves is winning no matter if they are in a row or not. 

    If anything, go cruise that Dollar Spot, girl! Sanity is worth all the dollars.

    Stay cool, and enjoy your Summer!


    • april

      best of luck with that tic tac toe championship.

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